About me

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Sofia Milan Traduzioni
Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes.
- Günter Grass

Let me introduce myself...

My name is Sofia Milan and I am a freelance translator specializing in cosmetics, IT, marketing, Culture & Entertainment, and in website Localization.
After completing my Master's Degree in Translation, I worked for about a year and a half in a cosmetics company. Among other tasks, I was in charge of translating the website and advertising campaign.

In January 2023, I decided to start my career as a freelancer and expand my skills and specializations.
In order to keep me up to date with the latest trends and to continue my training as a professional translator, I attend courses and events of the industry, as well as international trade fairs in the fields in which I specialize.

I consider myself a curious, precise, reliable and detailed-minded person. I always observe the changes in society and the world around me with interest, in order to keep up with the times and to be able to connect people with each other.

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Courses, events and international trade fairs

Any sector or market is experiencing the changes of modern society, be it in cultural, environmental or technological terms. Participating in sector events, international trade fairs and training courses allows me to offer quality services as a freelance translator, that are always up-to-date with modernity. Cosmoprof Bologna, AI Summit, Winter Translation Forum, BP Translation Conference and Italian Tech Week are just some of the events I have taken part in during my career. Here is a small gallery of the events and courses I have attended.

Discover my areas of expertise

My languages

I mainly translate from German and English into Italian. However, my university studies involved other foreign languages, such as Arabic and French, giving me a broader linguistic background and a deeper understanding of different language structures, cultural nuances, and translation challenges. This diverse experience enhances my ability to approach texts with flexibility and accuracy, ensuring high-quality results across various fields.

Native speaker
Advanced - C1

Digital skills

During my career as a freelance translator, I could also develop my digital skills. From CAT Tools to coding languages, from management software to Desktop Publishing, my skills now cover a variety of tools. Over time, I have learned to adapt quickly to new technologies, streamline workflows, and optimize productivity. Whether it's handling complex file formats, automating tasks, or ensuring seamless collaboration with clients, my technical expertise allows me to work efficiently and deliver high-quality translations across different platforms and industries.

Microsoft Office
Power Point, Excel, Word
Coding Languages
HTML & Python (entry level)
Desktop Publishing
Canva (advanced level)
AI Chatbot
ChatGPT & Gemini (high level of prompt engineering)
CAT Tool
SDL Trados (Freelance Version), Phrase/Memsource, MemoQ (entry level)

Networking event

Attending networking events is a valuable opportunity to connect with industry professionals, expand my connections, and stay up to date with the latest trends. Here are sone recent experiences and the insights I gained from it.

ELIA Together 2025 in Barcelona
ELIA Together 2025
People always make a difference. Over the past few days, I’ve had the chance to engage with fellow professionals and LSPs about industry challenges, and I’m grateful to have had constructive, open conversations.
LocLunch in Turin
LocLunch Turin
French fries and nice people! 🍟😊 Looking forward to the next LocLunch or any other opportunity to share ideas and insights on our industry! Thank to all the fellow translators who joined. 
BP24 Conference in Sevilla
BP24 Conference
BP24 is over and it was a blast!💫 It's time to go back home, start working on new projects and put into practice all the useful tips! A huge thank you to Csaba Bán for organizing and for being able to create a really welcoming atmosphere!